Akshay Kumar has finally made an impressive comeback at the box office with his recent release Sky Force, which brought a 100 crore earnings for the actor after a wait of 4 long years. This great start of the year might as well help the actor make some great leaps and jumps with his net worth and annual earnings.
10th Highest Paid Actor
Khiladi Kumar is currently the 10th highest-paid actor in India, and his fee range from 60 crore to 145 crore per film. After witnessing a few setbacks at the box office the actor also made some liberal adjustments to his remuneration chart. In fact, for his latest film, the actor has charged almost 70 crore as his salary.
Akshay Kumar Net Worth 2025
As per a report in Forbes, Akshay Kumar enjoys a net worth of 2500 crore. His massive net worth includes his annual earnings from films, brand endorsements and other investments, including movable and immovable properties. Interestingly, the actor’s net worth has grown phenomenally from 2013 to 2025.
The Sky Force actor enjoyed a net worth of 118 crore in 2013. 12 years later, his net worth jumped by a massive 2018%, making him one of the most sought-after and highest-paid Indian actors in the country.
Akshay Kumar’s Per Minute Earnings!
Akshay Kumar‘s annual earnings, as per a report by Forbes was speculated to be around 486 crore for the year 2024. The actor, thus, earns almost 40.5 crore monthly, 10 crore weekly, and 1.4 crore per day! In fact, to give you a perspective on how huge this number is, Khiladi Kumar earns a whopping 6 lakh every single hour and Rs. 10,000 every single minute!
Well, talk about living life king-size, someone! Hopefully, with a great start to the year, the actor will surpass these numbers real soon!
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