Reports suggest the Labour cabinet is sick of his wild green dreams – with Chancellor Rachel Reeves leading the charge to put him out to pasture.
There was bound to be a backlash against Ed Miliband once the reality of governing sunk in. Because the Energy Secretary has zero connection with reality.
Miliband has a head full of eco dreams, and I’m sure they’re lovely. But they’re wreaking havoc in the real world.
Now the handful of grown-ups in the Labour cabinet have had enough. What took them so long?
Miliband is a man on a mission – a clean energy superpower mission. Unfortunately, it’s now clashing with a more urgent task.
Which is building the economy to fund higher military spending and stand up to Vladimir Putin.
This mission may not always be clean, and it probably won’t be green, but it is critical. And Miliband is standing in the way.
He’s turned into the cabinet’s number one blocker.
Reeves is desperate to deliver growth – as she should, given all she’s done to destroy it as Chancellor.
Yet at every turn, Miliband is in the way.
Britain urgently needs cheap, abundant energy to grow. Yet the UK’s own Energy Secretary is busy shutting down North Sea oil and gas, while blocking other options like fracking before they’ve been properly explored.
He’s destroying thousands of jobs while brushing aside complaints from trade unions. As well as playing into Putin’s hands.
Ed isn’t just daft – he’s arrogant with it. We saw that years ago when he elbowed aside his more grounded brother, David Miliband, to win the Labour leadership, then marched the party to electoral disaster in 2015.
Now he’s marching the whole country towards disaster.
His fantasy plans to make the UK economy net zero by 2030 involves spending tens of billions on schemes while fiddling the figures to pretend they’ll work when they won’t.
During the election, Labour claimed its green schemes would shave £300 off the nation’s energy bills. In reality, they’ll RISE by around £900 a year.
Reeves has had enough.
After a disastrous start, she’s fighting for her economic credibility and political life. And Miliband is standing in the way.
It’s him or her. And my money is on Reeves.
She may be the most useless Chancellor since the last one, and has a lax relationship with the truth.
But unlike Miliband, she’s dimly woken up to reality. All the airy nonsense Labour spouted before the election has been exposed by the hard truths of government.
Reeves knows Britain needs jobs, growth and investment, not sky-high energy bills and potential blackouts.
Yet Miliband wants to double down on his radical eco-agenda, despite warnings that his renewables obsession could leave Britain dangerously exposed.
Even former Labour PM Tony Blair has exposed Mad Hatter Miliband’s fantasy net zero targets.
Plans to plaster Britain in wind farms and solar panels depend on buying Chinese tech, leaving our energy supply in the hands of an enemy.
Ed ploughs on regardless.
That’s what he does.
This is a man who stiffed his brother, imploded over a bacon sandwich and triggered a Labour cabinet civil war, yet still thinks he’s been chosen to save the planet.
Reeves has seen the light. Keir Starmer needs to throw Miliband under the proverbial bus. An electric one, if it makes him feel better.